Source Code Downloads

Official Releases

Source code

The last released version is eLua 0.5 and you can download it here: elua-0.5.tgz

The package includes the complete source code, documentation, building scripts and Lua program examples.

After downloading and unpacking, you can check the docs folder for informations on how to build eLua.

For building instructions you can also check our Building eLua page.

Old versions

Previous eLua versions, both for source code and binaries, can be downloaded from the BerliOS files page

Subversion Public Repository

If you'd rather have the very last development ("bleeding edge") version, just check it out from our Subversion Repository:

$ svn checkout svn://

Once checked out, the repository can be easily updated by the svn client command:

$ svn update

Subversion Repository for developers

If you want to contribute to eLua and need write access to the repository, follow these steps:

  • if you don't have an account on, create one before proceeding.
  • contact us, specifying your BerliOS id and we'll add you to the list of developers.

Then checkout the repository:

$ export SVN_SSH='ssh -l <yourberliosid>'

$ svn checkout svn+ssh://

Once checked out, the repository can be easily updated:

$ svn update

Subversion Repository Web Browsing

If you're looking for an easy and user friendly way of browsing through the SVN repository, use the WebSVN interface

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